Monday, November 05, 2012

Evil Voting Guide 2012

Here's your handy dandy evil voting guide for 2012!

Romney, obviously.  But I really don't think it will make that much difference.  Mittens is too squishy on his numbers, and I seriously doubt he will implement the austerity necessary to get our nation back to the realm of fiscal solvency.  Still, I'm not voting for the fruit loop.

Not voting for Feinstein, she of the uber-entitled entrenched politician.

Voting for her completely inexperienced opponent, Emken, who at least has the balls to say she would take on Fieney anytime and anywhere.  Meanwhile Diane is a big fat chicken shit.

The propositions -

A HUGE no on 30.  It will not go to schools, it will go to entirely to pensions.  California spends a ton of money on education, 40 cents of every CSI tax dollar goes to schools and they still SUCK.  Not doing it.  Mostly because I hate children.

A NO on 31.  Bureaucratic gobbledygook that is vague over what to do with a mountain of tax payer dollars.  How about less taxes and getting your grubby paws off my GD money?

32 is a HUGE YES.  Screw the public sector union leaders that are bankrupting this state.  Finally a measure that says NO to cronyism and corruption and the stranglehold that union goons have on spineless Sacramento politicians.

33 - let's you keep your discount if you switch insurance companies.  Mmmmm, gonna have to go with no.  I hate insurance companies, but I hate our government regulating them even more.

34 - death penalty repeal to "save money".  Nope.  I am fairly anti-capital punishment, but I also respect the rule of law and see this measure as an absurd smokescreen for the nutty bleeding hearts who don't actually give a shit about saving money and even less of a shit about the rights of victims.  We need to speed the appeal process and start executing the monsters on death row if we are serious about saving money.

35 - increases penalties for human trafficking.  A big NO.  Just kidding.  This is the one prop that only a complete jackass would come out against.  It's like saying, "absolutely pedophiles should be set free"or some such BS.  If anything this prop isn't strong enough.  You traffic people, especially kids, you should never see the light of day.

36 - revises 3 strikes to violent crimes only.  HUGE FUCKING NO.  I put this one above even voting no on 30 and yes on 32.  3 strikes is a God send and one of the biggest reasons crime rates are so low.  Because authorities can now blast habitual offenders with 25 years for "non-violent" crimes, we have FAR less gang members amongst us.  It's called the "broken window theory" and it works great for keeping us safe.  For every idiot pot smoker languishing in jail who shouldn't be, there's a thousand or more truly dangerous criminals who have mercifully been taken out of society and can't commit the atrocities they were likely to commit.  God bless our cops and God bless 3 strikes.  I pray it keeps it's teeth.

37 - labeling law.  A big ass NO.  More needless and absurdly written regulation will cost business money and do little to keep us safer.

38 - NO.  See 30 above.  Though this bill is at least honest in that it will tax everyone and the money will go directly to local schools.  Might be inclined to vote yes except my kid goes to Burbank public schools and they are already excellent because it is a small district that keeps a tight control on not pissing away it's funds on perks and wasteful pipe dreams.

39 - punishes multi-state businesses by requiring them to pay full California state tax on all profits from California.   Do I really need to tell you how I'm voting on this one?  Um...  NO.

40.  Redistricting for state senate.  Yes, only because it can't really hurt at this point.  Probably a scam, but our legislature is so beyond boned right now it's not even funny.

Measure A - turns county assessor from an elected to an appointed position.  Um... NO. Bad idea jeans.

Measure B - requires adult film stars to wear a condom.  Um... NO.  Who cares?  And why does the government?

Measure J - extends sales tax in L.A.  If you wonder how I'm voting on this one then you haven't been paying attention!

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