Wish I could say I was happy to be 100% correct about predicting this outcome, but alas, I am not enamored with the Trump and have grave concerns about him being entirely unfit for office. But we will see. Unlike some of my fellow Americans, I have no desire to march in protest against the democratic process. Call me old fashioned I guess.
But I do feel obliged to take a moment to reveal to everyone the reason a reality star beat out a 30 year career politician who seemed as destined for the oval office as anyone who has ever run before. There's actually only one.
People were fed up with being called racist.
And, yep, that's pretty much it.
I don't know when exactly it became a fundamental truth for the left, the idea that if someone disagrees with you - simply attack their character until they are shamed into silence; but it has become so within the last decade. And people everywhere simply have had enough, including large blocks of voters who put Obama into office twice.
But while I was the one who knew with certainty that Hillary could not beat Donald Trump, my dear friend from childhood Daniel, liberal/pragmatist writer extraordinaire, was a clarion call among liberals in pointing out the cause - reapeatedly warning fellow progressives of their ever growing propensity to shoot first and ask questions never. This post should be bronzed as the ultimate ignored warning sign for liberals who were first in line of those responsible for bringing the Donald to Pennsylvania Avenue.
He tried to tell them, tried to warn them - this election would boil down to one issue; and he was absolutely correct. In his blog, and in published articles across the internet, he laid out how the culture of political correctness has grown out of control and taken over what used to be discussion and dialogue and replaced it with shrill character assassination.
Still, in his heart I don't know if he ever really believed that Trump would beat Hillary. This is probably because he hasn't been on the receiving end of multiple personal attacks the way many of us have.
I have been called racist, a bigot, a homophobe and much worse. Mostly by people I don't know, but also by a few that I do. It hurts to be sure, but it also makes me angry. I wasn't angry enough to pull the lever for Trump; but I came damn close, much to my own surprise.
It comes as no shock to me whatsoever, that people far to the left of me who voted for Obama both times, would also feel under attack. Every time one of them dared to mention that maybe Obama wasn't perfect, down would come the ubiquitous hammer of shame.
It's because he's black.
It's because you are privileged.
The mostly white (but also black and latino) rust belt voters who brought Obama to the White House did so with a large hope in their hearts of making real progress against the racial divisions that have plagued our country's recent history. Now they look back over the last 8 years, and that hope has been smashed against the rocks of identity politics, as we are more racially polarized than ever.
So I voted for Obama, my healthcare premiums tripled, I got mad, and I got called stupid and a bigot.
Gee, wonder who that guy's going to vote for?
Right now I have imposed a 2 week moratorium on myself for posting anything political on Facebook, as my fragile liberal friends and their friends are pretty distraught over the election results. I figure they don't need my finger wagging, as I hold them largely responsible for Trump's ascendance I and I could pretty easily cut them down without even resorting to character attacks.
I also am refraining because I am weary of being attacked. Of course they are free to say whatever they want with zero repercussions, but that has been the case for a long time now.
But I am grateful I have this space here to express myself without having to jump into the mud with the angry left. Hopefully they will cool off a bit in the coming weeks, and the final stage of grief will take hold and we can get on with getting on.
I can't abide the notion that the electoral college is illegitimate. (It is embedded in the constitution for very good reasons, click here for a great video that sums it up.)
I can't stomach the stupid safety pin, my friend Allen guesses it must be for the cry-babies diapers, I have to say I got a chuckle out of that.
I am dismayed by people's desire to march in protest over the greatest and most open election system that is still the envy of the world. Yo, dingbats - the time to protest was with your votes! A hell of a lot less of you turned out this time, and that's a big part of why your guy (gal) lost.
And most of all, I am heartbroken by the hashtag slogan - #notmypresident.
Donald J. Trump is the president. He is MY president. I will support him best I can out of respect for the office and love for my country. I would have been thrilled to meet shake hands with George W. Bush or Barak Obama and now I would be thrilled to do the same with Donald Trump.
As much as I cannot stand the policies of Obama, and the destruction (albeit superficial and temporary) that his administration wrought on our country - both through policy and the disease of identity politics; I will always hold hope and admiration in my heart for the promise that his tenure could have been. I will also hold on to the good things about him, as a family man and as a man that many will admire for years to come. I see much of that admiration as misguided, but I acknowledge that it isn't really helpful for me to angrily interject my own political opinions into someone else's happiness.
I really hope that some on the left can step back and for once try to find some empathy for their fellow Americans, instead of their modus operandi of attack, attack, attack.
We've got four more years of this guy. That's just the way it is. The sooner folks get on board, the sooner they can start being part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
I had to do it with Obama. You have to do it with this guy, that you are largely responsible for.
Let go of anger, let go of hate - and let's go forward.
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